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Kaitlan’s interest in astrology started with late night porch musings with a friend around psychology, the stars, and our purpose in this world. After looking at her own birth chart and reading horoscopes for over a decade, in 2020 she decided to dedicate her time and energy towards a more rigorous study of our astrological system. Her foundational studies began with John Greene at The Centre for Psychological Astrology, and was built upon by studying with astrologer Sam Reynolds, before finding a local astrological community in Omaha to connect with regularly in-person. She is currently learning about the Hellenistic tradition and has a deep interest in synodic cycles.

Kaitlan’s astrology practice is based on creating balance and agency in her client’s lives. Utilizing the planets as guides, she facilitates an environment to explore the inner realm of the psyche, understanding the lessons we are here to learn and dig into in this lifetime. Kaitlan is based in her hometown of Omaha, NE.

To learn more about her practice and receive regular updates on the astrological energy of the times, you can subscribe to her Substack at Substack is a self-publishing platform where you can access a variety of writers’ newsletters or posts email and the Substack application.

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